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I am ElizabethMORE ON MY Title RECIPE INDEX √My Natural Treatment Protocol Epstein-Barr This post wraps my Reactivated Epstein-Barr series with a list of natural treatments I use to feel better. First, thanks for ALL the kind words you in the blog comments, and my Instagram & Facebook posts. I love this community! If you're new here, check the comments and stories of women from around the world in the comment sections of the three articles in this series, and add your own as well! We'd love to hear from you. 🙂If you missed the messages one and two, you might want to read them first: In post #1, you can read my full story about streptococci without stopping like a child, monkey in high school, my diagnosis of thyroid under mystery for the last 15 years, and how I never felt completely recovered from the monkey. In post #2, you can read why EBV tests can be confusing and see the results of my last four tests. I also give you some points about what to ask with your doctor. In this third place, I want to share what I do to suppress—and I hope to reduce—the Epstein-Barr virus in my system. At first it was hesitant to share my protocol because each person is different. However, nothing here can hurt you in any way. If anything, these things will probably make you healthier in general anyway. As always, check possible contraindications before taking anything, and discuss your plan with your healthcare provider if you have a specific medical condition. Remember that there is no specific protocol for healing. I am sharing what I do next in the hope that it will help you somehow. The goal of these treatments: You will notice that everything in this list is a natural treatment. There are no prescription treatments known for Epstein-Barr, so my main goal has been to work with my practitioners on natural antiviral treatments that we hope to suppress the virus. Since EBV is a member of the herpes virus class, some practitioners use antiviral drugs (aciclovir, valaciclovir, famciclovir) off the label to try to suppress the virus. After talking to my naturopa and doctor of functional medicine, both agreed that the possible side effects exceeded the possible treatment for this in my case, so we decided against it. On the one hand, I was willing to try anything to suppress the virus. On the other hand, I am grateful that both decided against because side effects can create a completely new set of problems. Since modern medicine has no treatment to completely treat EBV, the only way to know if this works for you is to test it and see how it feels. You can request the EBV test that indicates titer numbers (my fourth test that is seen here) to see if the numbers have dropped, but even then, there is no scientific evidence to show that only because the numbers are more or less that the virus has gone. In short, instead of treating symptoms, your goal is: You have to experience and see how you feel about time. Another quick note: I check almost everything else on Amazon, but I never buy supplements on Amazon because many of them are (fortunately) forgery. The containers are emptied, full of products of lower quality, then sealed and sold. Those plastic sealing machines are cheap and easy to find. Therefore, if you can empty and fill in, just buy from the manufacturer or a trusted source, such as the doctor's office or a verified dealer. Even if he says "sold by" the company in Amazon, it could be a bleak third. And finally, I'm still in Levoxyl for my low thyroid condition and working closely with my naturopath to monitor my thyroid levels and adjust when necessary. I'd love to be completely out of it, but I still need it and I'm fine with that. It's not on the list here because it's not a treatment for EBV, but I wanted to mention that I take it as I've been talking about my low thyroid problems in this series. With that, here is my natural treatment protocol for Epstein-Barr Virus: Antivirals1. LauricidinLauricidin® is the brand name for monolaurin, a derivative of lauric found in coconut oil. Scientifically, it is pure monolaurine sn-1 (glycerol monolauate), a natural fat of medium chain based on plants derived from lauric acid. Lauricidina is a natural antiviral and helps promote a healthy intestinal environment, too. I love this product because it can't only help clean any virus that you can collect, but it naturally benefits your intestine and we all need more of that. I'll have a drink in the morning and one at night. It is safe and effective for long-term use. Read the instructions and information on your website before taking it. I'm not affiliated with this company. Generic monolaurine capsules are not the same as the original monolaurin. According to the Lauricidin website, "The usual 300 mg capsule contains in addition to 300 mg of monolaurine, an inosin base 7.5 mg and calcium phosphate 106 mg with inert ingredients: dicalcio-phosphate, cellulose-polvo and silicon-dioxide. Lauricidina, on the other hand, is the purest commercially attainable monolaurin and is without fillings or allergens. " If you're wondering if you can eat coconut oil instead of taking Lauricidin (and expect the same results), the answer is not really. Lauricidina is a high-powered extract derived from lauric acid, and the amount of coconut oil you need to consume to get the same benefits would be unhealthy and almost impossible to consume. Again, I buy almost everything else on Amazon, but I never buy supplements on Amazon because many of them are (fortunately) forgery. Check this directly from my doctor, the Lauricidin website, or the (not an affiliate link, just share because I use it).2. Echinacea & Lemon Balm Antiviral TinturaEchinacea and lemon balm are known natural antivirals that support the immune system. Anthony William also recommends them in his book, The Medical Medium (I discuss the book below). I prefer the forms of liquid dyeing, as I already take so many supplements, but also because the dose is usually higher in the form of dyeing. I found an organic USDA stain containing echinacea lemon bald in Whole Foods called Virus Attack, and I take two droperofulls twice a day. Always dilute the echinacea tinctures in one to two ounces of water because they are so strong that they can burn their tongue (yes!). Echinacea can make your tongue feel a little numb for a little, but that's normal. Dilute with more water if uncomfortable. Different areas and different shops will have a — you guessed — different variety of products, so just work with the person in charge and do some research on the company to find a good one. Echinacea is an accountant, but as with everything, look for potential contraindications on WebMD or another trusted platform before taking it. Blood Ozone Treatments3. This treatment has the longest writing in this post because it is by far the only treatment that has helped me feel the best. Blood ozone treatments, called major autohemotherapy, are an immune impulse therapy that is performed in a medical environment. It is extremely safe and effective. The cost will vary by location. I've seen him run between $120–$250/session, which is relatively cheap given the power of treatment. Remember, I'm not a doctor or a scientist, so it's better to do your own research and discuss this with your doctor. They will usually need a full exam or a doctor that is involved in the treatment. During increased self-hemotherapy, an authorized professional (usually a nurse or doctor) uses a medical grade special ozone machine to extract medical grade ozone gas into a syringe or a special bag. Then they extract some of their blood and mix it with ozone gas. Ozone cannot be injected directly into your bloodstream, as it is a volatile gas. However, when your blood mixes with it in a safe environment, it purifies the blood in contact and kills any viruses, bacteria or fungi that are present. Also hyperoxigenous the blood because it converts free radicals into oxygen (science is fun). In terms of super lay, if we think again in the scientific class, the chemical formula for the ozone molecule is O3 (three oxygen atoms), and the chemical formula for oxygen is O2 (two oxygen atoms). A free radical is an unpaid electron looking for a home. One of the three oxygen atoms in ozone matches a free radical in the blood, and together they create O2 (more oxygen). This is actually a form of oxidation, which is usually told to us is just bad. However, not all oxidation is bad. Some oxidative stress can really be healing for the body - exercise creates another form of this (and we all know that exercise is good for us!). After the blood is mixed with ozone for a few minutes, it is passed through a UV filter, and then puts it back into your system. The UV filter is usually only an extra bonus supplement to kill any additional (potential) virus or bacteria. This hyperoxideated blood of primary selfhemotherapy has three benefits: The oxidation that occurs during primary selfhemotherapy is one of the reasons why treatments need to be spaced, and the high doses of antioxidants (such as a drip of vitamin C IV) are not given on the same day because antioxidants fight oxidation. You still need your antioxidants, but not the same day as the main autohemotherapy. That is why it is important for a practitioner to understand the treatment to indicate the frequency of your treatment plan. I've had about 10 treatments in recent years, a few days apart, and I plan to continue a treatment every few months for the foreseeable future. You might be thinking, "Well, if this is so big, then why isn't it more available?" Yeah. I feel the same. It's because FDA doesn't indicate major autohemotherapy in the United States to treat EBV, or anything for that matter, and it's still an appearance in the United States. It is a very simple and effective technique that is safe when properly managed and used in Europe and other parts of the world for decades. Since it does not involve a medication, there is very little money in it, so it is not approved as a medical treatment. Therefore, practitioners are very careful about how they talk about it and list it on their websites. I started having this treatment at the Sanoviv Medical Institute a few years ago, and I just found a place where I live in Seattle that does it. Even then, the description is not listed on your website. What is important to note about this treatment is that it is almost impossible to test the exact benefits of it. In my case, I feel amazing after every treatment. It's hard to explain, but for me it's like feeling super clear, high in energy, and almost a little happy-tingly in the few days after I've done it. I told my doctor that and she was intrigued, because she's obviously doing something, but she's not exactly sure what. Since there are no negative side effects when done correctly and we know that you can kill the virus, it recommends that I continue occasional treatments of it. On the other hand, the main autohemotherapy is also used in some cancer treatment protocols, as cancer cells cannot survive in oxygenated environments. But go back to EBV Natural Treatments... Food and lifestyle The rest of the things on this list are what I consider important to your general health. When he is cured of any chronic condition, his general health is of the utmost importance. It is important to create an environment in your body where your cells can heal. 4. Fruits and vegetables We all know that fruits and vegetables are good for us. Eat more of them! If you've heard that the fruit has too much sugar, I think it's a bad health advice. Natural sugars in the fruit come along with fiber, hydration, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that cannot be found anywhere else. The fruit comes from the earth and is naturally very healing. Much of the nutrition community is also wrong here, and recommends massive amounts of protein on the fruit. But what's missing is that your body will turn excess protein into glucose, which can still chop your sugar into the blood. Don't be afraid of fruit. Five to six servings of vegetables, and two to three servings of whole fruit per day will do wonders for your health! Read more about this in thyroid healing or the medical environment. (I speak more about these books below.)5. Limited Processed Food Processed Foods require a lot of attention from your system to process. Ruin your gut bacteria, melt your liver, and don't nourish your body. Eat as few processed foods as possible. Take a look at me if you need any inspiration to reduce highly processed foods.6. Supplements Supplements are complicated because although they absolutely do not replace a healthy lifestyle or a healthy eating habit, they can definitely fill the gaps and increase their nutrient consumption. Be extra careful when choosing which supplement mark to take. I know and love USANA and I've been taking her supplements for years. Whatever you take, do your research and know the company. Many supplements are not standardized and are filled with rice powder (and perhaps a bit useful). You get what you pay, so just buy good so you're not throwing your money away. Along with the antivirals above, this is what I take: Multivitamin: Start with a good multivitamin instead of taking a lot of vitamin D, vitamins B or C. If you're going to take one thing, take a high-quality multi-quality. You'll have more sex for your money, and it's more balanced for your health. I have been a separate distributor for USANA every day (complete statement, for the last 10 years). But if I could take one thing forever, this would be all. Extra Vitamin D: If necessary, take extra vitamin D. A simple blood test of your doctor will reveal your vitamin D levels, and this is one of the easiest deficiencies to fix with a high quality vitamin D3 supplement. Functional medicine specialists will want their vitamin D levels to be between 50–100 nanograms/milliliter in their laboratory results. If lower, take an additional vitamin D3 supplement. I'll take it. I usually jump this from May to August as I'm out more, but then I'll take it back from September to April or so. Probiotic: A healthy intestine is necessary for a healthy immune system. As fermented foods as much as I can and I also take a probiotic with breakfast every morning. Rotate your probiotic every month or mix the types of good bacteria that plants in the intestine. I take the and one of the Garden of Life I get in the natural food store. Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb, which means that their cells can adapt their use to their needs. The book Medical Medium mentions ashwagandha as beneficial to people with high levels of EBV, and my doctor recommended it to help prevent adrenal fatigue. I take it right before bed because it seems to make me sleep (Zzzz :)). I take Adrenal's answer for Innate. I think you can also get this on the (not an affiliation link, just share because I use it). Others: I also take a fish oil BiOmega per day for omega-3, a CoEnzymeQ10 capsule (AKA CoQ10) per day for cellular energy and skin health, and an immune supplement of reishi fungi (2/day) called to regulate my immune system. To order any or all USANA recommendations above, c. You can edit your cart as needed and still get the same discount using my dealer link. Again, don't order any supplement marks on Amazon. Just get them from authorized dealers. Self-CareCheck frequently with yourself and keep an eye out for creating a healthy internal and external environment for your body to thrive.7. Best Quality Sleep One of the strangest things about not feeling well is the phenomenon of feeling tired and tired, but not being able to sleep (the worst, the amirite?!). My natural inclination is that of a night owl, but I can feel the difference in my energy and humor at heart when I make a conscious effort to sleep early. I have to cling diligently to my night-time routine to sleep, which includes finishing dinner at 6 pm (7 pm at the last absolute) — how eating too close to bedtime tends to keep you up to date—1 mg of melatonin at 8 pm (tomo ), a hot epsom salt bath (unless it's hot), dim lights and reading for five minutes to relax. I have to make a conscious effort to follow this, but it makes a big difference in my quality of sleep and quality of health when I do. Along with that, be nice to yourself if you feel tired and need a little more sleep. Program a day of self-care at home instead of saying yes to each thing on its social agenda.8. Soft Exercise Exercise exercise exercise when you feel fatigued a lot can be difficult. The movement is important not only for your physical health, but even more for your mental health. Even if you're only 20 minutes on foot, I'm sure you get something in at least five days a week. I used to get off if every training wasn't all-out intense, but I've learned that even some smooth and stretching yoga has enormous benefits. Even if you feel fatigued, try to go for a walk at the time of the day when you have the most energy (work with your body, not against it!). BooksThe potential of self-diagnosis through books is difficult. On the one hand, you have to advocate for your own health. You're the only one who lives in your body 24 hours and the only one who knows how you feel. Do not allow "mysterious symptoms" to be written only because a test result or the doctor has no answer. On the other hand, be careful not to create a prophecy of self-fulfilment. If you keep telling yourself you're sick and you'll never heal, then guess what, you'll stay sick and not heal. Work with a practitioner to test and explore the root causes of your symptoms. Read books and educate yourself, and stay open to healing. I spoke of my curiosity and initial doubt towards El Médium Doctor, but I find it a useful tool and recommend reading it.9. These four books have really helped me: How to take action: And finally, stay positive, and be nice to yourself. Healing is rarely linear. Life and health often come in cycles and seasons. Keep your thoughts positive and keep working to feel good. Wish you well, FREE! 10Healthy and healthy dinners with more than 140,000 people Filled with easy, healthy and delicious dinners. You will also get meal planning templates, my healthy pantry checklist and more. In addition, get only subscriber & extras recipes Just send to my VIP subscribers.ebookDINNERS Send it now! Show / Hide commentsAdd a comment Hello Elizabeth, very useful article! I had EBV when I was 19 years old and soon afterwards I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis that I fought with every 3-5 years since. I have seen two holistic/functional practitioners who have indicated that the VEB (and Borrelia) is a crytter that comes out of hiding when my immune system is stressed. I recently had a bengala and my functional doctor is using ozone therapy (I am living in Nairobi, Kenya). After the third treatment most of my symptoms had gone, it was amazing and as you felt amazing! I'm interested in knowing if you're going to take the coconut supplement for life, or if you can get rid of EBV for good? I lived in NC for 16 years and my life took a turn for the worst. You tell me. Like everyone looking for the natural solution. So I was diagnosed with tombs and tombs / hyperthyroidism. What a nightmare, but I believe in the power of healing. So he was in every car possible. Naturopathic, Ayruveda, Intregrative, Modern Medicine. So, I imagine it had something to do with HSV1 but it never invested until I read about mycoplasm that led Epstein Barr ( Elizabeth's website) now things are adding. My heart comes out to everyone fighting and can be very overwhelming. So I started on an elementary diet with low fog broth (all green broths) I'm lemon bald with fog tea about 5-7 cups a day. I made colostrum, detoxification massage (Ayruveda) I drank hydrogenized water, a lot of antioxidants (pomegranate) minimum diet. (without grain, without milk, without food for the process) sounds like prison, right? Yeah, that's right. My quality of life was more important so I made the sacrifices. I use a special cooking technique. I'm soaking the beans for 3 days and then I press it in a pressure cooker. I did this with organic brown rice and also with turkey burgers. Why, because the pressure kills most pesticides and lectin (the main endocrine disruptors) in our food. I had 100 pounds now 133 pounds starting to earn my weight. Just a little lumping in the eyes but working on. I don't drink coffee, I have morning proteins and carbohydrates for lunch carbohydrate dinner (carbohydrates take 7 hours to break down so when you wake up you already have fuel) I have no problems with energy or the problem with sleep. I got all the fights, but together we can help in small ways. I do your homework and as Elizabeth says, we live in our body 24 hours a day, so you know the feeling very well. Hi, my name is Jessie Scott. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue due to EBV in 2011. I fought with her for about 3 years, and finally she was able to recover the full health (though I'm not sure that my titer once fell into the inactive category). I've been healthy/asymptomatic for the last 9 years. I have recently had a reactivation of the symptoms that have been confirmed with a blood test. I'm interested in talking to you because our stories are similar and also because it sounds like you're from Seattle. I also live in Seattle and hope you can recommend a doctor in the kettle is that I can see. I've looked for the practice you mentioned in your blog, advanced medical therapies, and they've closed permanently because of the COVID strains. Sad! I'm 34 years old and I have two beautiful, energetic girls who deserve a mom who can follow them. I am actually struggling with more fatigue, sleep disturbances and weakness. Anyway, I'd love to talk to you. I tried many things of ozone therapy while at the worst of my reactivation of the EBV that actually, for me, did the worst things. My co-infections flew and I can't say that the treatments did anything for the EBV except for making me beside the bankruptcy. No kind of care is "A size fits all" and I wish I could have noticed before ozone was BAD for me. Just a fyi for those who can prove it. Make sure things improve before investing too much time and money. This was very helpful, I hired a monkey when I was 2 and was violently ill for weeks. In my case, my doctors have monitored my VEB levels frequently and every time I get down, the titers rose and diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome. All your suggestions have worked for me, especially structured sleep, a good diet and a steady exercise, not extenuating but enough to keep my energy high. It's been 22 years, and I'm back in my bed all day, this post gave me the motivation I needed to get back to the horse and put this under control. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your history and protocol that you have worked for your EBV. Can you tell me how much echinacea and lemon supplements you're taking? Thank you. Oh man! I would love an update on how it feels and how it looks at your test now. I think I have to be tested. My EBV test was high but I can do the most sensitive test. Thank you! Have your numbers dropped with these treatments? I also wonder why you haven't added L-lysine to your supplements? Thank you for this informative article. I have a kid who's been suffering from EBV for years and I'm investigating to try to help her. Hi, Elizabeth. Thanks for this series of blogs! I had a monkey (HARD) in 6th grade and adrenal fatigue in 2006 and recently diagnosed hyperthyroids:( The hyperthyroid came as something of a shock to me, as I consider myself a super healthy person and have even spent most of my career in the field of holistic health (former health coach and owner of the juice company). I read the Medici thyroid book two months ago, I did the cleaning for a month and have adhered to food reccos and religious supplementation. My thyroid numbers have not yet changed:(I have chosen to take medications to help normalize my disease while I want to become pregnant and have advised me not to do so until my disease is normalized. I'm going to stay with all my current protocols and I'm hoping to week the medications at some point. I wonder if you were ever able to wet your meds? Thank you for this information. For years, I have been able to handle my (what I call) "Lemon Coss" with essential oregano oil in my feeling and liver. This last time has been difficult. I'm 38 years old and I've literally found myself in bed for about 5 weeks. I've had fever for the first time (for 3 weeks), and it's been a fight. Just when I think I'm better (and I download the dishwasher or decide to cook dinner for my family), I end up in bed the next day feeling like the virus had taken my body again. I have no spleen, and I also have a form of hereditary hemolytic anemia. I've never been to the doctor for this problem, in the long run, I'm only going when it's out of control, getting a blood test, and he confirms. But I suspect I have a outbreak twice a year. I hope this doesn't get worse as I grow old. Even with an Ayurvedic/yogic lifestyle, I'm fighting. I hope to use the Virattack and Lauricidin. I already use several products from Banyan botanists. This is my life at 38, too. Finding this helps. I miss being able to play consistently with my 3 years. My mother was diagnosed with ELA in 2018 after a year of medical visits and exams aimed at finding a cure for her ingrained speech, difficulty swallowing and weakening limbs. By the time they diagnosed her, she had developed pneumonia and put her in a respirator. A family friend visits us and tells us about the center of Kabuma Herbal and her successful ALS TREATMENT, I am happy to report the treatment effectively treated and reversed her amiotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), most of the symptoms stopped, she is able to walk and able to mount her running tape again, she is quite active now and can do everything again. if you need the help of your doctor you can write it on this website: www. kabumaherbalcenter .com Hello. Could you make some suggestions about dietary supplements/changes for my 6-year-old daughter? He has been fighting cysts in his face (under his eyes and now on his cheek) the cysts of Chalazion required surgery last year due to their severity (Despite a myriad of natural treatments). We recently talked to an intuitive doctor and she strongly recommended that it be initiated into a natural treatment protocol of Epstein Barr. He said cysts were viral in nature and that the initiation of such a protocol could help it develop more cysts (last because it would help the virus stay inactive again) and help prevent autoimmune problems in the future. Any suggestion would be highly appreciated! My daughter is only 6 years old and we want to support her health and happiness! Lysine helps with herpes virus problems and my young daughter takes it for the symptoms of Epstein Barr. Theresa says: September 28, 2020 at 6:47 pm Hi. Could you tell me how often you had to make ozone initially? They tell me once a week, " I can barely afford it. But I started. What if I can only do 3x a month? My illnesses, like ebv grow the week I have to jump? I'm also starting with 2 passes, then going to 4 passes & until the week... once I get to 5 passes, I get more money. Answer You for your blog. I was diagnosed with EBV in 2018. Once I saw my levels 500/600 IgG 13.5 " he learned what exactly EBV was like he had never heard of it. I knew I was 30 years old. with my first reaction after my first son was born. With 4 more pregnancies I always felt great while I was pregnant & terrible when not. So for you, trying to find out "why do I feel like they keep hitting a truck head" The doctors looked at me strangely. I'm glad you finally have my answer. My instinct is a mess with having EBV for so long. Before the diagnosis of EBV I discovered that I was GF/DF/EF so that helped with a very healthy/clean diet now for 7yrs. I've been on a SIBO diet. I start my day with celery juice ginger juice. I'm taking Monolaurin Complex (has olive leaf in it) have taken the pellets before) T-Cell Balance Px (with strings mushrooms " rosmary) these products have really given me a lot of energy! Theracurmin , CoQ10, Vit. B12complex. Good night I take Alka Calm to calm down to sleep. I use "hot socks therapy" as I have nervous problems when I go to bed. Right in the last month tested again and my # is very high still IgG 15.5!! I'm frustrated, but encouraged by the recommendations here for Vit. C therapy and ozone therapy Thank you. I'm not sure if there's anyone in the Vancouver WA or Portland OR area who does those but I'll start looking. Praying above all for healing as I know God cares! I'm wearing Monolaurin Complex with olive leaf (he has taken the pellets before). T-Cell Balance PX (has mush laces Hi. Could you tell me how often I had to make ozone initially? They tell me once a week, " I can barely afford it. But I started. What if I can only do 3x a month? My illnesses, like ebv grow the week I have to jump? I'm also starting with 2 passes, then going to 4 passes & until the week... once I get to 5 passes, I get more money. Your doctor should advise a protocol. The typical one spends something like 2x/week for three weeks and then recorded from there to biweekly, bimonthly, etc. The goal is to fight intensely against him initially and then go to the address where you go only when you feel that your numbers are up. As soon as I read "Medical Medium," they just read me. Shame on you. Hello, did you know that you have your arm/ shoulder, your knee, elbow swelling and joint pain from the high level of active epstein bark? I have this, it's painful. I am taking drops of herbs, vitamen C i.v. once a week, tea supplements of lemon balm, etc. Theresa Thank you so much for this!!! I found your article in February and I've taken extensive notes. I read the books and started AIP with a lot of tips from the book of thyroid healing and book by Jugos Celery. I did my first ozone sauna therapy and the place is adding in the blood you did in a couple of months! I can't wait! I'm taking a LOAD of supplements in addition to infrared saunas, salt room, ozone therapies, etc. I know we're all different, but I want to fully believe that I can reverse this damage. My hanhimoto antibodies are in the 500. After 8 years, I'm ready to get my life back. I know you mentioned that you're in a low dose of thyroid medication and I can have to do it too, but do you think you can/have cured and finally killed from EBV? My thyroid medication is at 90mg and I still have many symptoms, probably because my thyroid is fine, its hasu causing all this and inflammation of the EBV. Anyway, I am super committed and hopeful that I can live a normal life one day and at some point enjoy other foods without risking my health. Thank you so much for all the great tips! Thank you so much for this article! I just went to the doctor yesterday and got the results of my lab work on the Epstein Barr virus with my level being 600.00! I was diagnosed with low thyroid levels in 2016, I started having problems with my lymph system in 2010 and I felt so fatigued all the time. My doctor said that my body only keeps reactivating the virus and said no more than the virus had to run its course when I was sick.. I started looking for more on this and found the yiur article and now I have more information, thank you very much! Sara, I am so happy to hear that this helps you (and the other people in this community!). I'll write a new update of mine soon. Stay fine. -Hello Elizabeth, would you please tell me the name of the clinic in Seattle that offers oxygen treatment in the blood? I live near Seattle, and I'm currently seeing a naturalpata doctor in Lacey. I'd like to present this information to you. I looked after her after all my symptoms were ignored in the VA. He sent me to test labs and my reverse T3 was over the roof! Since then I have started with cytomel (the therapeutic dose has not yet been reached, I am at 25 micrograms per day today). Last week he sent me to test viruses, and all levels of Epstein-Barr are across the roof! Also herpes virus #6. I'm in the process of collecting the supplements you've prescribed, including some of those you've mentioned. Having problems due to the shortage of COVID-19. Hey, Kris, I'm going to advanced medical therapies in Seattle. - Thank you! I'm gonna bring this with my natural doctor this week... Hopefully he's heard of this treatment and he's a supporter. Have you ever tasted the cetogenic diet? Thanks for sharing your story, I've read it several times and I've had a similar trip. I had a monkey in high school was a drilling team dancer took months to get over me and for the last 25 years they haven't felt good. I went to many doctors and no one could find out. I finally hit a wall last March 2019 and ended up in the hospital with severe vertigo and brain inflammation. Doctors didn't do anything, but they give me painkillers so I choose to get out of the hospital. Long story cuts every specialist I saw cardiologist, neurologist, infectious disease had no answers. So I stayed looking and found a Doctor of Functional Medicine and the trip started. I found out I had 5 viruses in my body when I was in the hospital and I was so sick. After I got home from the hospital, I slept for months. I couldn't sleep, my central nervous system was on fire, my brain was on fire. I literally didn't sleep for three months. I couldn't get my head hurt so badly from the swelling. A practitioner said he had viral meningitis. No medicine helped me, they would have the negative effect. Valium, the sleeping medicine was on me. I have progressed on my health journey through several alternative doctors and I am progressing. My body also hit a toxic load. He had severe toxicity and the lymph system didn't work. I had 13 amalgam fillings at the time and spent the summer eliminating all those. At the moment I felt that the body's burden decreases after that. I'm still fighting against chronic streptococcus, active chronic ebv, but I still don't know what still makes my body unlearn every month around my cycle. Jesus and His hand upon me has been the only one who has gotten me. I'm much better, you're right, they're two steps ahead, one step back. I keep trying to get back to my old life and I don't think it is. I feel that I am learning a new normality for me and my family that is much slower and much more present! So thankful you're doing well! For those out there fighting, don't give up! Hey, I'm so sorry about what you... I feel your pain that I haven't slept for a month and a half... and my nervous system is on fire too! Ur is not just... it is difficult but we will heal with the help of God! Heather, In the time of a cycle of women, 80% of your immune system will support that process. That's why you start to feel worse at the time. More immunity goes to your cycle and less to keep you healthy. Hi, I suffer from chronic EBV for a couple of years. My levels are getting higher and continue every month. Last month was 247 now is 663. How high is it considered too high before other organs begin? I'm really scared of this horrible virus considering I wake up very sick every day. I've seen several doctors who have left the house said they can't help me or have no answers or even know what EBV is. I perceived acyclovir for a year, but I'm not sure if he's helping. My integrative medicine doctor diagnosed me and prescribed this medication but recently came out of practice and I am now completely lost. As very clean and I take numerous supplements. Garlic, blueberries, vitamin c, multivitamin and magnesium. Like all organic and I don't drink caffeine. I'm going to try some of your suggestions in your introduction tomorrow maybe I can follow the right path then. Again this virus has really takin control of my life and have had very few answers or help. Doctors surrender and I'm trying not to do this stupid virus. If you can offer any help you are highly appreciated! Thanks for your time. Be good 🙂I was diagnosed with MS, in 51, in 2017 and have been treated with Copaxone, Tysarbri, back to Copaxone, Ocreveus. He had relapses while he was in Copaxone. Ocreveus didn't help me. I learned about Akanni Herbal Centre (www. akanniherbalcentre .com) and its effective treatment of MS Formula after trying other unlucky medications..I have followed with its formula of MS herbal that after completing the treatment, the symptoms were gone, and the MS Herbal treatment relieved my symptoms completely and the tremors gradually stopped, Thank you Akanni Herbal Centre for giving them multiple hope. Thank you Your kindness in writing this article to share what you have worked for you. I'm going to try this same protocol as I've also been reading half a doctor and started feeling better. Hi were you wandering how long before you started seeing the improvement after the initial protocol???? It has been since 11/28 since the first symptoms and positives for ebv on 1/9/20. Please give me advice that I feel so lonely in all this. GHello and thanks for this stimulating article. I have suffered with Epstein-Barr reactivated 4/3 years now, originally to the point of being completely to bed and unable to think, having to write post-its all over the house, not able to work at all... Completely debilitating. The doctors didn't know anything, the specialists were a joke. I found a wonderful natural path in Kirkland Washington, Dr. Teresa Richter, who saved my life. I've been making alpha motion A peptide injection every 3rd day that has made a big difference, I've also made ozone IV treatments that you talk about... The Alpine Integrated Medicine in Redmond also makes them for those in the East. Thank you so much for this information, I've been in a dream again so I'll add more than you wrote to my arsenal. I had a monkey at age 12 and was hospitalized for a week and sick for three months. Since then I've had sore throat every year. At the end of 2017 I was reactivated by epstein sweep and have been fighting since! I've had all the tests and dr and taken every vitamin made but it doesn't feel right yet. My main problem is that my body feels out of balance and dizzy and has a tremendous brain fog. I feel so bad. I've been with a neurologist, but he blames EBV. I've had all the hearing tests, blood tests, brain tests, brain wave tests, carotid artery scanner, pulmonary X-ray, and nothing happens. It's very difficult because when this disease affects your brain, it's not fun! Is it exposed to the mold? Sounds like my story. Being exposed to the toxic mold in work reactivates my EVB. The mold really caused brain inflammation, ear problems, and balance/vertigo symptoms. I hope this is helpful. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this!1. It supports your liver: Selenium, milk, NAC, ALA, Gluthatione, SAMe. That is one of the most important steps, especially if you want to overcome fatigue and brain fog. 2. Do liver. It can take up to 10-12 blonds to finally feel normal. It works, because this procedure removes mud and excess bilirubin from the liver. But I have to be patient with the process. 3. Try colloidal silver (prefier nano silver). Big antiviral! 4. Grapefruit Seed Extract. Also very powerful antimicrobial and antiviral. (Be sure to use the real thing, there are many weak on the market). I just diagnosed Active EPV this week after months of testing and finally my Dr just said I'm doing a lot of my symptoms. I'm not ready to give up, I went to an urgent care where they did a blood test. It is very frustrating how little MDs know about this virus and I have honestly probably infected my entire family somehow or another as it has been so long since the beginning. I'm glad to see this blog, however, the 1st of the clean food started today. My symptoms are cough, swollen tonsils and fatigue. I was sick most of last year, so here's for a healthier 2020. Happy New Write down my model, I say Amen to all your wishes this year! Hi, I'm about to test the treatment that Debbie Biggan describes earlier. Is there any way I can hear from her and her process? I would be grateful! Truly, I am praying for you, that the Lord would give you hope and grant you healing. You are loved by God and your life has value for Him. He created you for a purpose. It has allowed the trials in your life to grow up and prepare you to help others. Don't give up! Read the comments saddens me. We all try weird things that don't work. We still keep trying. I've been planning on taking my own life. I'm 26 years old and my life looked so bright before I had a monkey at 21. I'm a shadow of my old self. I'm done with that. Doctors, nutritionists, bloggers (adfiliates of supplement stores) – will gladly take your money, but that's all. Hi Real t, I just saw your comment here. I see your pain and I'm sending you healing energy. Even if it can feel difficult, you have a lot to live for! Don't let life knock you down. There are people around the world who care about you. My advice is to seek support in your local area. Sending love for continual healing. ~Elizabeth Real Please wait, look at ozone i.v. I've been sick for eons and now I'm understanding what's wrong. I'm scared all the time and scared. Please don't give up. TheresaReal T, I hope you're okay. Please don't give up. I know how frustrating this debilitating, invisible disease can be, but at least progress is being made. I urge you to read the book of Médiums Médicos, follow it on social networks, shares a lot of useful information. Add celery juice to my diet every morning has made a big difference. You're not alone, please remember that. There are so many of us looking for answers, you can't give up. Please contact your loved ones or a professional to help and support. Sending you healing and stimulating energy. Try the lemon juice (do it at home), the apple vinegar a small amount in a glass of water (to swallow in the throat) and ginger infusions, or the infusion of lion tooth is good for the liver. These are my secret and natural remedies. Greetings from Europe! I'm near Seattle too. I see a Naturopath that has me in an antiviral tincture. Valaciclovir made my heart weird. I have reactivated EBV, Cytomegalovirus, fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomitis. Fuck off. I'm 67. It all started six years ago after a high-speed 80mph accident, hit by street racing kids. Almost dead. The broken neck and both shoulders. A month later, diagnostics began to appear. I'm at the end of my rope. I take monolauren and antivirals. I also have Hashimotos. Diagnosed 12 years ago. I'm thinking about the blood therapy you talked about. I wonder if Bastyr knows anything about success numbers. Thanks for this blog. I'll follow. Hey! I simply felt the need to share and make known some of the things that EBV can cause that it does not seem to find any given attention. Long short story, (or attempting to be short) I was diagnosed with EBV in 2012. At the same time I had a friend who was diagnosed with EBV lymphoma. They told me there was no treatment and that my body had to fight him so I didn't think about it. Quick Advance to Sept 2019, I was hospitalized for a week with viral meningitis. They did a horrible spinal blow 6 times to test the meningitis that was positive and used the fluid to test viruses to see what caused it. It was all negative. Before I was hospitalized I went to the doctor (I saw 5 different doctors before someone called 911 because I couldn't bend my chin in my chest. Other symptoms were severe dizziness, fever, rash that covered the head to the feet including palms of the hands soles of the feet, inability to eat, tremble, chills) so the doctor took blood and once again I was positive for EBV. It was a very long and harsh hospital stay. Meningitis is basically an infection and inflammation of the meningas and membranes that surround and protect the brain and central nervous system, so it has taken me about 10 weeks to feel "normal" again. I also followed medical media protocols that made me feel comfortable sharing my story with you. Grape sugar, wild blueberries, adrenal snacks, gluten free, dairy, eggs free, etc. Again, I just wanted to share my story to make it known that along with all that is mentioned in Anthony's books, his blogs and general information about all things that VB can cause, meningitis is one of them. I wish everyone a life of good health, and to be cautious about hygiene (wash hands, not share drinks, good diet). Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to this trip on how to kill EBV so I don't have to suffer anymore! I have Hashimotos. I've been fighting naturally for 3 years. My worst symptom now is every two weeks that I have night chills and body pains. I'm sure it comes from my lungs full of flem. When I lie down, it's worse. Toso flem every morning and my chest feels heavy every day. I think it's Epstein-Barr, but no doctor will try me, I'll keep looking! Maybe now I have Lupus too? I've read that Lupus can affect the lungs. Thank you for any entry. I was diagnosed yesterday after 18 years with symptoms. I've had similar lung problems. I also have thyroid problems. Candida chronic infections. The ear ring and the brain fog are the worst. They also have anemia and have had adrenal problems over the years. I was always the person who's sick all the time. As healthy but the diet wasn't enough. I have a significant relief of 500 mg of lysine twice a day. I can't say the grapefruit extract has done anything but I take it three times a day. I'm going to try these other supplements too. Hi, Elizabeth. I found your website today, and I'm so glad I did. I just ordered something from Lauricidin and I'm excited to try that. I've had recurring EBV since having a monkey in my 20s (I'm in the middle of the 50s), but the last few years I've had a lot less episodes of it. I realize that to improve the diet, stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking caffeine, daily Lysine (two capsules of 500 mg), and above all reduce my stress levels through increased spiritual awareness. I highly recommend the teachings of Ekhart Tolle in particular to realize that we can, to a large extent, choose to stop having negative (strike) responses to life situations. When I feel an EBV episode that comes (in my throat and left ear), it is invariable when I have let myself stress more than usual. At that time I begin to take a lot of Lysine (8 – 12 capsules/day), and that usually makes you leave in a few days. I also recommend the Barlean Oil Sheet Complex throat spray. It's very soothing in the throat and it tastes good, too. I have a question about low thyroid. Every time I have a thyroid test, it comes near the bottom of the normal range, but since it is still within the normal range, the MD have never given me anything for it. So I don't know if I should do anything about it or not. I've taken some kelp, but not religiously. I didn't really notice anything different when I took it. And it doesn't seem to have any of the most obvious symptoms of hypothyroidism. Any suggestions to know if I should do anything about it? Thank you! I've heard the normal test doesn't show any real thyroid problems... I had the same problem. Find a doctor who will allow you to try Armour Thyroid for two weeks at the lowest dose. This is a bioidental hormone that also contains T3. You should know in two weeks if your energy improves. If you do, take regularly and go to the dose that doesn't give you side effects. It took me about 6 weeks to get rid of all my symptoms of low thyroid and I also had 28 and regular levels. He saved my life! I always have hopes of finding people who have or meet someone with Lichen Planus who will help me. Last year I went to the doctor and found out that I was in the convalescent phase of EBV, along with the low thyroid function. Somehow my thyroid, after a couple of months, returned to normal levels and the worst symptoms of dissipated monkey. Feel like never completely. At the same time I went to the dentist to check my gums that bothered me for months. After biopsy they found that I have oral lichen planus, an autoimmune skin disease that affects less than 1% of the world's population. The laboratory biopsy also did not rule out Pemphigus vulgaris or Lupus, asking for more samples to diagnose more. I refused. It was painful, it took me several weeks to heal and because they said there's no cure, so what's the point of knowing? Does that make sense? Only alternative medicine has given me relief. I get rid of the trash, without dairy, completely cut in carbohydrates, except for a little white rice to eat, and don't eat anything that aggravates the symptoms in my mouth, such as spicy foods, vinegar, etc. I haven't grown up, thank God, but it doesn't go away. I tried to go to the vegetarian diet but lost so much weight and felt much worse than I stopped. It sounds crazy, but it didn't help me at all. Now I'm back in the meat and egg diet and also seeing an acupuncture who never heard of help but has tried to help me with supplements and diet. Recommended L-lysine and L-arginine, among others. It seems to help my general well-being but not the Oral Lichen Plane. I wonder if there's anyone out there who can help me with any information about this disease. Suspect of the autoimmune liver, as the Medical Medium described in hi Book of the Iron Cura, but not even sure how to proceed. If you or someone read this post and know something, any insight, please help. Back years I realized that I had oral lichen planus for years, but it was very bad during the time I discovered that I had EBV. I feel depressed and hopeless when it comes to solving PLO. Please help course Thank you. Hello, everyone. Looks like we're a few in Seattle. Thanks for publishing where you're going for self-hemotherapy. Jennifer Baker: another friend and I get distinctive mouth sores, usually in gums, when the EBV is kicking back or I haven't paved. Debbie Highsmith Parris: I took drugs "brain" before my diagnosis so I returned to 3 of them; Cognitex, fenilpiracetam (there are other piracetams but it seems more effective), and CDP choline aka citicoline. If you could choose one, it would be Cognitex (Buy from your site). The days I take them, I do much better at work. I have a great Naturopath in Seattle if someone is looking; she's going to pull Western medicine if necessary. For example, I started with Valacyclovir quite quickly because two of my lab results were incredibly high. We went through and they both fell a lot. I'm at Boydmoon at Yahoo Dot Com if you would like his name, etc. Hi. Try MMS (Milagro Mineral Solution), see Andreas Kalcker "the forbidden cure." Ortomolecules say high doses of intravenous ascorbic acid also cures it. I'm happy to have found Elizabeth's website and blog to learn from her personal experience and others sharing comments about her experience, I thought she was alone with my symptoms. Recently learned from active EPV, the doctor ordered an additional blood test to determine the DNA of the virus. I am still trying to understand the virus, the results of the tests and their impact but really excellent for the diagnosis after 5 years of "not living" with undiagnosed symptoms, the quality of life reduced to almost nonexistent. Diagnosed with MS relapse 3 years ago, but the symptoms have gotten angry, sometimes worse. The main problem that most affects me physically and mentally is cognitive function. I am not able to perform tasks, I can explain in detail process but I cannot follow through myself, you can try several times but get frustrated and give more have normal "brain fog" symptoms with memory by forgetting the necessary functions such as not making bank deposit or payments of mail bills and also constantly losing critical items such as cell phone, keys and debit cards. Does anyone else have this type of brain fog or other cognitive function problems? Wish everyone the best. I enjoyed all the posts, thank you! I've been on the Mean Medical Protocol for 90 days and most of my EBV symptoms are 90% better. However, I still have swollen lymph nodes and even some new ones under my arm. Those of my neck have been ultrasound and proven to be 'normal'... Is this a typical symptom of VEB (even after initial inflammation has decreased)? Is this a detoxified symptom of my protocol? Interested in ozone. I wonder if it's just a temporary solution... in your experience you've had to continue making indefinite treatments? How often do you make an infusion? Theresa says: September 28, 2020 at 6:47 pm Hi. Could you tell me how often you had to make ozone initially? They tell me once a week, " I can barely afford it. But I started. What if I can only do it three times a month? Valwrie, if you get an answer, you can tell me I just tripped through your website and I got intrigued. I've just been diagnosed with Reactivated EPV for the second time in 2 years. I'm almost 51 years old and I'm always active. First I had a monkey at 14 and at that time I was diagnosed with Hashimoto and hypothyroidism. I am as frustrated as I cannot go through another fight of this extreme fatigue and need to help. I am Gluten,Dairy and free meatHello, I have been working with a Naturopath for 5 weeks. And have my next appointment in 3 weeks. How much did it cost you to start feeling better? Love your blog I ran through your blog after recently getting blood that shows EBV reactivated. I've had a lot of medical problems for years. But without writing a book about everything, I will share the most recent symptoms. (I am sure that most people can relate to that they are only inciting to share over and over the long list of symptoms without answers to their root). Since May 2018 (it's already February 2019) I haven't had mouth sores covering the inside of my cheeks, lips, etc... except for a few short periods I had to break down and do a few weeks of steroids, that's the SOLO that has given any relief in them. I've had 3 tissue biopsies in my mouth, skin allergy tests, countless blood tests. I also have these sores/blisters in my body. At this point there's probably almost a dozen on my back and here and there other places. They're spicy and sore. EBV is the only test that has finally pointed out a possible response but I can't find many other people sharing these same symptoms! Is there anyone out there who fights with CONSTANT sores and blisters in your mouth?? I wouldn't want this in anyone and I wouldn't want the "company" in these symptoms, but you'd love to hear if someone has found a resolution to this kind of problem! Thanks for your detailed post. He'll try a few things to see if it works better then the things I've already tried and had no relief. I'm so sorry! It sounds awful and uncomfortable. I can't offer you any advice, I just wanted you to know that someone read this. I hope you can find answers! Yeah, I've had a huge increase in the mouth sores in the last six months and I just got told I've reactivated the VEB. Read your post was like... "Yes, but I wouldn't join those two things." I am using herbs and homeopathy to try to cure this round that has been going through many, many years! Hi, Jennifer, I'm sorry! 10 years of constant fatigue battles, swollen glands, lymph nodes, eczema psoriasis (in the last 2 years), developed gluten and dairy intolerance. My hands have sores that seemed to burn the last time and one on top of my lip. I figured why not throw a chance for you, I don't test for any allergies, but I realized after high school that peanuts and anacardos are a major trigger. As soon as I stopped eating them, I stopped hitting all sides of my cheeks in my mouth. Do you eat nuts? Yes, I stopped eating nuts, almonds, etc. and started taking lysine and totally helped me with the sores of the mouth. I can't get rid of the wound on my left nose. By reading all these comments, I can relate and it is so difficult to spend for years without any real relief. I've seen every doctor, specialist and got all the allergy tests, scans, etc., except for EBV. I came to this conclusion after years of reading about health and just clicked one day, had chicken pox about 11 and was never the same healthy. Allergy tests have just confirmed what I had discovered, that I was severely allergic to any and all fragrance, but also very sensitive to any form of salicylic acid (also fragrance). Once I learned and I removed what foods, body/health products had this in it, my nose and mouth ulcers went away. I used to be terrible, blisters, fissures, bleeding, so I tried every cream and recipe available. Now I am seeing and naturopath for the other symptoms and diagnoses I have, trying to heal and although I have not had any further evidence yet due to covidist restrictions, we are seeing the EBV potential and the repeated cycle. My husband also has many of the same problems and had a monkey at age six, so he was hospitalized. We are in a good diet of supplements that the naturopa suggested and our diet and home was already free of chemo " as it may be, including clothes made of natural fibers. Our health has improved a lot, but there is still a way to go. I wish everyone well. I found your site today and I'm anxious to incorporate some of the natural treatments. My 10-year-old grandson got very sick last January and it took two months to finally say that he could have something to do with EBV. (I actually read the Medical Medium last year when this started and added its recommendations to our protocol) Since the initial event, you have had at least one outbreak but we have to monitor your activity closely as it will crash easily. I assume that most people who read their blog are adults who deal with this problem but it can happen in a child and it is very difficult to get doctors to go beyond 'It's in your head'. Thanks for the publication on the evidence too. Brenda Thank God for the internet, and find this website. I was diagnosed with EBV today. It's taken a long time to get here, and I've spent a lot of visits to the GP explaining that I'm not okay just so they tell me I'm okay. Anyway thanks Elizabeth, your story has given me moments of light bulb, and while I'm in the eeeek, read ALL NOW stage is useful to meet others who are in the same position. Thank you, for helping me tonight, has meant that the world only to access the xIm information in reading the entire stage!! 10 years and finally some idea! What is the clinic in the sea boiler in which he had the ozone treatment? Thank you. Love your blog! The clinic is called advanced medical therapies. Excellent thanks! I've been doing tons of research because I think my EBV can be reactivated (in my 30s) and I saw a great Naturopath! Anyway I read your story and I'm like waiting for it to be MY same story!! Eeeekkk to not be alone or to feel crazy – I am very interested in autohemotherapy treatments. First I have heard of them – so thank you!!! Along with all the other complementary tips I've ever heard from others I've never heard, again thanks for sharing your story! Thank you for the great explanation. I only have one question, I have several autoimmunes, these supplements that help treat EBV will have adverse effects activating and increasing my autoimmune? Please let him know. Hi Zizi, autoimmune problems are complex and each person is different so I can't advise this way. My advice is to learn about the pros and cons of each supplement to determine whether they are suitable for you and/or seek the assistance of a healthcare provider. In general, I think it's beneficial for everyone to take at least a high-quality multivitamin like the USANA that is previously linked. - Did you share the location where you had the blood ozone therapy in Seattle? I just relocated here and I'm sure I'm dealing with EBV reactivation. Thank you! Abbie, Advanced Medical Therapies in Seattle – they're great! I am not technically a patient, as my MD is at the Sanoviv Medical Institute, but they have a medical referral program for my MD to write my treatment protocol and execute it. If I needed a doctor here, I'd start there. - Have you noticed a peak in thyroid antibodies while in echinacea? My blood work didn't include it, but my TSH went up less than a 1 month point after using the lemon/echinacea balm and Lauricidina. Echinacea appeared in one of my summer reading books as possibly a problem in autoimmune people. I am weighing if it is worth seeing the final result of putting the Epstein Barr virus to death vs. if the antibody activity increases. Shannon, I didn't realize that, but it's an interesting observation. The body is complex! It's all about finding what works for you. Thanks for sharing with us. -Hello Shannon, I have Hashimoto and ME/cfs (and EBV deactivated) so I've been trying an antiviral protocol for a little (which led me here to Elizabeths' blog). I've also been following the Media Medical Protocol. In the past when I used an Echinacea tincture I found that it brought inflammation in my thyroid (closing the thyroid) so I haven't been using it. I don't understand why? Sometimes I have reacted to herbs in the past. I use the lemon balm (like an entire herbal capsule) but I'm going to look for the use of the dye instead. I hope this helps? Oh, that's reactivated (right!) I agree with everything you said... to a point. I followed you exactly the same path from chronic streptocosis to active chronic chronic EBV. I also became a health trainer bc was on a journey in such a way to heal myself before my most recent diagnosis. After lupus, fibro? Chronic menegitis, hashi). Where you lost me was the protein comment. You are very out of there and a typical person could never consume enough protein in a sitting so that glucogenisi happens. Besides, it's the demand driven. I feel that a low carbohydrate diet or Keto is good for Bc EBV protein is the least inflammatory of all foods. I still have some vegetables here or there, but I'll tell you when I raise my carbohydrates (even with fruits or vegetables) I feel so much worse. Something to think about. Research is out there on glucogenisis- or, luckily, many people spread this misnomer that moderate amounts of protein will cause it. That's not true at least. Anyway, good blog! Anthony Williams' books are the most complete available for EBV and thyroid problems. I even got my Naturapath to read them. I wonder if someone has information or knowledge of essential oils for EBV and also red light therapy. I can't find much either. Hi, Elizabeth. Thanks for this really useful blog. Recently I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr reactivated and I have also been doing the diet and supplements of the book Medical Medium and my most important question at this point is: I tried to clean the raw fruit and vegetables for about a week but I already ran cold and found that the raw diet made me even colder. I believe that my Ayurvedic dose is VATA, which recommends hot hot food cooked as my constitution is already slow, cold and lazy. I'm curious if you know a lot about ayurveda because I don't think the Medium Medical Books follow the different Ayurvedic Constitutions. I think our bodies are all different, so it's funny to me that the Medici's books have a unique size that fits everyone as it refers to the dietary recommendations. Thank you for hearing and hearing what someone has to say about this! I agree, Itzi! I'm also Vata and I haven't cleaned up the Medical Medium for the reason you said. And my body is telling me to "close and nourish right now." Hi Itzi Camio, I agree! I'm Kapha mostly, so too humid to try raw and tender fruit, sp in cold lines. My background is in Chinese medicine that has many parallels to Ayurveda. The Hashimoto also lends to the cold and low metabolism that I encounter even with medicines. I try to exist in the sweet place of 22 degrees C! It's not a bad feat! Although a lot of fruit and tenderness. Often peed fruit or a mixture of stew and fresh. Mostly vaporized/roasted / vegas sautéed. Although celery is a little cooler, it still has the juice first. I'm finding while you have a fairly good diet, herbs and supplements are making a real difference. Found sword that leaves the eggs (I love eggs!!!) makes a big difference. Hi, Elizabeth. Can you explain how the ozone treatment you have had is done....specifically, it is every treatment a single injection (and if so, where), or is the treatment done through a IV, and is receiving an additional treatment done as well as UV light, etc., or only that treatment with a IV? Thank you very much. I'm actually doing it. My practicer draws blood from me via IV and mixes it with ozone in a bag, and then returns it to me. There are other ways to do it, though I think. Theresa says: September 28, 2020 at 6:47 pm Hi. Could you tell me how often you had to make ozone initially? They tell me once a week, " I can barely afford it. But I started. What if I can only do it 3 times a month? You can tell me Hello Elizabeth. Thank you so much for this post! I wonder what you think of fish oil... I know the medical medium is against, but notice that he mentions taking it. What are your thoughts? Thank you so much for all you share! I'm interested in the Virus attack dye you mentioned. Is it for Herb Pharm and called Viru Attack? I'd love to meet the company that produces it. Thank you very much, CheriHi Elizabeth, thank you for the wonderful writing. There are very few out there who are as detailed as this. I'm in the early 20s and I also have chronic problems with EBV. I have recently started following this protocol to a tee with the advice of a naturopath, and I have some questions I hope you can answer.1. How many sessions of ozone therapy cost you to start feeling better? How often did you do them? 2. In general, how long did it take for you to feel normal again after realizing that EBV was the culprit and start treating it? 3. What was the role of exercise to help you recover? During his most severe periods of fatigue, did he help exercise or did it worse? Is light exercise more recommended than strict backing for recovery of acute reactivation? 4. Have you ever incorporated any mental or mental health strategy into your recovery? Thank you very much, Nikita. Hello, I was diagnosed with the reactivation of the ebv 10 months ago. The virus is no longer active, but I'm still having a lot of symptoms every day and I haven't had a normal day at all. I wonder what your symptoms are and it's normal to have symptoms even when you're not reactivating? I really hope to hear. Thank you! I have suspected for some time that the EPV (diagnosed) that has probably now taken residence in my liver, since I am now nausea all the time, has been the cause of my constant sense of despair and intestine and digestive problems... but I am not sure how accessible ozone treatments are here in Australia. That would be the best book to buy information about this. Hi, I thought I'd mention that ozone therapy is available here in Australia in Sydney (Ozone Clinic) as Christine asked. I'll start my treatments next week. Thank you for this. I was recently tested and learned that the virus had reactivated my body. All my doctor could tell me was to rest and take vitamins. I want to do more to feel better. Hi, I was diagnosed with monkey at age 16. And they've had streptococci in my 20s. Now I'm 46 and I'm going to a hormonal equilibrium doctor who's done a lot of work in my lab. I have several nodules in my thyroid but all my thyroid levels have been good. I check them annually. He found thyroid antibodies in my blood, which he said indicates that I have Hashimotos but asymptomatic due to normal thyroid levels. I also have mutation of MTHFR homozygous genes you found. I take methyl B12 for my high levels of homocysteine and has helped. I'm also in bioidental progesterone for low levels. It has helped relieve my symptoms of heart palpitations, anxiety and insomnia. Take it at night. Vitamin D levels are low so I take 2000 IU daily. Take vitamin C, B and E complex every day. E for fibrocystic breast disease. I'm also in Elderberry's gummies for four seasons. I have decent levels of energy, but sometimes it drains. I have frequent muscle/joint pains. Not with prescription drugs. Do not take the flu vaccine. I usually exercise 3 days a week with cardio and weights, sometimes yoga. But I fractured my leg 10 weeks ago, so healing that. I have a history of superficial basal cell skin cancer for about 15 years with multiple cuts all over my body. They also have rosacea, which has dramatically improved with Soolantra cream at bedtime and incense hydrour spray. I also take a spoonful of sea hydrolyzed collagen in my coffee daily for hair, skin, joints. Normal weight of 135 lbs and 5ft 6in. Size 4-6. Eating healthy for most. Fast food occasional. He loves fruits and vegetables. Any advice on healing? I'd appreciate it very much. This is a chronic ebv fighter. I take so many supplements I earn! I tried to look up the Whole Foods oF echinacea ink and the lemon balm, but he didn't know. Can you put a link? Thank you so much for sharing your valuable knowledge about EBV and what treatments work best for you. I'm a 34-year-old woman who first became a monkey, was extremely active. I've been dealing with CFS as a result of the monkey for 3.5 years. It has completely changed my life and sometimes it was so low and hopeless I wondered what the point of life was if I felt as if I could not move every day: (I am looking forward to trying your recommendations!!! Many thanks and love! PS: Question for you: What are your thoughts about caffeine? I don't drink alcohol anymore so iced teas are my vice now! Thank you again! I've reactivated EBV and I can't get rid of it. I wake up every day with sore throat and have tried many different vitamin treatments. Your blood ozone treatments intrigue me... I live in Seattle too. Can you share with me where you've had them in the area? Thank you. Hi, Kimberly, I meant advanced medical therapies by my doctor. I'm not sure what your programming process is without a reference, but I'm sure they'll tell you on the phone. Hey, Kimberly. I'm in Seattle, too. It would be great to connect with others who have this thing as I feel alone in it. Send me an email if you're interrupted. Thank you. Rebecca Hi, Liz. I just found your blog and love it! I've reactivated EBV and I'm trying to find the best treatment for me. I'm currently doing UBI treatments. Is it the same treatment you did, the Major Autohemotherapy Therapy? They sound similar, but there may be a big difference. Thank you and keep blessings for you and your work,Watona RoBards, RN, NDGreat info! Thank you! Waiting to get to Saniviv for some time. As for a natural thyroid supplement, ask your FMD about GTA-Forte-II, for Biotics Research. Dr. Kalish (my FMD) recommended it for my low thyroid and has helped me. Hi, Lisa, thanks for the recommendation... I'm gonna talk to my MD about it. Thank you for coming to comment! We'd love to see you in Sanoviv. -Thank you for sharing your trip... my family and I are on the same road... so happy to hear you take monolaurin.. we have that as a breeze... we have ordered supplements from the half medical site About amazon... I hope they're okay? I'll check it out later, sure. Thank you for that advice!" Use infrared sauna and pulsed magnetic therapy ... so grateful for the medical environment and after your trip has been so helpful.. many thanks Г take care Thank you, Debbie. Wish you well and happy to have you here in our community. ~ He also has low thyroid and EBV. I'm using the Media Medical Protocol. My doctor has me in the NP thyroid, a natural thyroid medication. I read your message and thank you for sharing it! Monolaurin is also recommended by Anthony William (medical medium); a friend mentioned it. I didn't see it the first time I read Médium Doctor, but in another inspection, I found it on page 54 with a brief description. I also read somewhere that if you're following Medic Medium, don't take L-lysine and Vitamin C at the same time. It wasn't in the book. Maybe on one of your blogs or on the facebook page. My doctor said that because my EBV numbers were so high, it may take a year or more to heal. I think I've been doing this for about 2 years. I don't follow 100%. It has been very difficult for me to lower meat products, and sometimes processed foods. I have this strange desire for sausages! So I buy the healthiest sausages I can find. Then I allow myself only 2 a day when I really have a great longing for them. Cheese has been something else that is hard to let go, and that and dairy products) sneak into the foods that are least waiting for. I feel so much better but I haven't been to see the doctor in a while. I think he told me to wait at least 6 months or more. He doesn't see the sense of continuing to test my level of thyroid and EBV when they're not changing much. If I feel that thyroid medicine needs to be lowered, I'm gonna call it in. So far I feel good! I'm trying to eat more whole foods, and food coming from the earth. I love cooking and it's hard to stop going. It's hard to eat, too. Eating is my only social activity, and I love eating! I recently found a very good and very healthy restaurant. Serve tacos with a lot of raw garra vegetables. Of course I want grilled fish and sauce too! It's not easy! Thanks to you, Elizabeth, and FMTV and some other places, I've gotten pretty good to stay motivated. Your blog last week came at the perfect time when I felt like giving up! Sometimes I'm happy to know that I'm not alone in front of this (though I don't want anyone else to suffer). Thank you so much for being brave and sharing with the rest of us! You're not alone in this anymore than me! Together we can do this! Happy food and thanks for all the recipes! Sending love and happiness! Thanks for sharing with us. Wishing you to heal and happiness! I'm also a Med Medium fan and I've also been suffering with an EBV reactivation, possibly one of the many I've had since Monkey in HS, sometimes looking so sick and never knew how to be tested. Luckily my nurse practitioner valued my health enough to make the EBV panel! I was curious how you're dieting. As much fruit " , but I could not follow Anthony ' s full protocol. Too much fruit was getting worse and causing major stomach problems. I couldn't go without meat either, but I cut a lot while suffering from the worst symptoms. I also cut all the foods that feed the virus. After a couple of months I have sporadicly started eating eggs again. I know Anthony is very against eating them, but I've read information from other doctors and Naturopaths saying they're good because they're nutritious. Now my hair's been falling and thinning and I'm still running out. I'm beginning to think that the infection never fell asleep again, or I fell off. I'm gonna order another panel when I go in a couple of weeks. If you're Paleo or AIP? Thank you, Christy! I'm glad you asked him this... is the premise of my book that's coming out next year 🙂 (Hay House 2019). In general, I don't think we have to label our way of eating. When you put a label on it (see, AIP, Paleo) it can be more confusing than eating well. I understand it helps to have a plan, but you have to modify any plan to adapt to your needs to help you feel better. The best way to know if a food should be in its rotation is to remove it for 6 weeks and then add it again. If you feel better, keep eating it. If not, remove. I did the same with the eggs and made a deletion every year or so just to check that they still agree with me. In general, as mainly vegan, gluten free and dairy, but there are always exceptions. I enjoy fish, eggs, chicken and turkey. Sometimes like goat cheese or European raw cheese. Sometimes like bran cookies. You have to do what makes you feel better in the season of the year and in your time of life. Food habits evolve and change naturally, it is good not to follow a protocol exactly. It's also good to follow a protocol exactly if it's making you feel good. In general, eat everything, real food as possible and eat to feel good. You will take an entire book to teach all my way and philosophy around it, and the good news is that it comes soon 😉 I hope that it will help! ~ELeave a Reply Your email address will not be published. BEUTYVreadse the blog forbrowse by categoryhealthmindsetBusinessLIFESTYLERECIPESsearching for something? immersion in the growth Healthy recipes LOW Tiroids & EBVMy natural health secrets SERIESultra scarring ULTRA HEALINGULTRA HEALINGULTRA HEALINGULTRA Favourites ULTRA HEALINGI'm Elizabethmeet the bloggerInstead of describing what I think you should do, I help you find what works for you. Details A health expert, author and creative entrepreneur Take the best message from AMAZON: Health Book you will always need The final guide for holistic health with practical and inspiring guidance on every element of well-being. Gabby Bernstein, #1 New York Times Bestselling author of The Universe Has Your Back Christiane Northrup, MD, New York Times bestselling author Marie Forleo, author of Everything Is FigureoutableSue Ward, MS CNS, Nutrition Director at the SanovivGetting join over 140,000 peopleCause healthy living does not have to It feels like the Hunger Games. You'll have my:Each week healthier-free weekly-exclusive extras that don't want any faster unhappysMoreRXMEET ELIZABETHABOUTSTART A BLOGbecome a health coachSTUDENT success storiesCoursesBLOGTAKE THE QUIZcontactRECIPESIs there a student yet? 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This content of the Dr. Axe is medically revised or actually verified to ensure objectively accurate information. With strict contracting editorial guidelines, we only link academic research institutions, reputable communication sites and, when research is available, medically peer-reviewed studies. Note that the numbers between parentheses (1, 2, etc.) are clickable links to these studies. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a relationship between one and one with a qualified health professional and is not intended as a medical council. This article is based on scientific evidence, written and verified by our trained editorial staff. Please note that the numbers between parentheses (1, 2, etc.) are clickable links to studies reviewed by medical pair. Our team includes authorized nutritionists and dietitians, certified health education specialists, as well as certified strength and conditioning specialists, personal trainers and remedial exercise specialists. Our team aims to be not only thorough with its investigation, but also objective and impartial. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a relationship between one and one with a qualified health professional and is not intended as a medical council. Recognize the symptoms of the monkey + 12 natural treatmentsBy March 2, 2017 Monkey is called the " disease" because it spreads by contact with body fluids, especially saliva. Monkey symptoms are more common in teenagers and young adults. Symptoms in children are usually too mild to notice, and older adults often have immunity from the virus. But when you have an active monkey, you'll know something's wrong. The most common symptom of the monkey is extreme fatigue that can last weeks. Luckily, natural treatments such as , anti-inflammatory foods and essential oils will help you overcome the discomfort. What is Monkey? Common symptoms of monoMononucleosis, also called mono, is a viral infection that causes extreme fatigue, high and swollen lymph nodes. Monkey symptoms usually appear from 4 to 6 weeks after infection. This incubation period can be shorter in young children. Common symptoms include: Three typical monkey symptoms include sore throat, fever and enlarged and painful lymph glands in the neck. However, the most unique clinical characteristic of the monkey, which helps doctors distinguish it from other viral and bacterial infections of the throat, is a severe and debilitating fatigue that accompanies these symptoms and may last months after it has been resolved. ()Most people have uncomplicated monkeys that disappear on their own within a few weeks; however, some develop complications, including obstruction of the upper respiratory tract, neurological disease, severe hematological cytopenes (reduction of the number of blood cells), and breaking of the spleen. According to research published in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, the spontaneous rupture of the spleen is a rare complication of infectious mononucleosis. It occurs in 0.1 to 0.5% of patients. () The spleen is vulnerable to ruptures within the first 4 to 6 weeks of mono symptoms. Some symptoms of one include pain and tenderness around the spleen, on the upper left side of the abdomen; indigestion and discomfort when eating; and pain when taking deep breath or moving around. Causes and risk factors of mononucleosis is the most common cause of infectious mono symptoms, but other viruses can also cause this condition. EBV (also known as a human herpesvirus 4) is one of eight viruses in the herpes family and is one of the most common viruses in humans. The virus occurs worldwide. Most people are infected with her at some point in their life. Researchers suggest that EBV and other Herpes family viruses have co-evaluated their hosts for millions of years. During this time, they have developed sophisticated strategies to help their survival and propagation capacity. () According to the research published in " Translative Immunology " Clinic, EBV infects at least 90 per cent of the world ' s population, most of which have no recognizable disease. EBV infections in children usually do not cause mono symptoms, or are so mild that they resemble symptoms of short and childhood diseases. But in 50 percent of teens, EBV infection causes infectious mononucleosis. () Research at the University of Georgia suggests that the monkey is more commonly present in patients aged 5 to 25, especially in those aged 16 to 20. Approximately 1 in 13 patients in this group complain of sore throat has a monkey. () EBV infection between adolescents and young adults is spread mainly by deep kisses, according to researchers. It has also been suggested that sexual intercourse increases transmission. How preteen children hire EBV is unknown. Some studies suggest that they are infected by their parents or siblings who spilled EBV periodically in their oral secretions. ()How contagious or infectious is Mono? The virus that causes monkey is normally spread through body fluids, especially saliva. However, the monkey can also spread through blood and semen during sexual contact; blood transfusions; and organ transplants. Most adults have been exposed to the Epstein-Barr virus. They build antibodies and become immune, so they won't get monkey again. Although mono symptoms disappear, the infected person will always carry the virus that caused it. Once the virus is in your body, it remains there in an inactive state. It may be active again without causing symptoms. This is when you can spread the virus to others, no matter how long it has been since the initial infection, without even realizing it. If you know that you have active monkey, avoid passing it to others by abstaining from close contact until your monkey symptoms have disappeared. Avoid kissing anyone and sharing things like drinking glasses, drinking straws, eating utensils, balm or toothbrushes. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the virus probably survives in an object at least as long as the object remains wet. ()If you kissed or shared a glass with someone who has an active monkey, that does not mean you will definitely experience mono symptoms. However, the virus spreads through saliva and other body fluids. Your best bet is to be cautious when around someone with mono symptoms. Because it takes a few weeks to show symptoms, a person with the virus can spread monkey without knowing it. But anyone who has had the virus in the past will not develop symptoms again because the body has developed immunity. They're just people who've never had a monkey before who should worry about hiring the virus. How long is Monkey? Most people with monkeys improve in 2 to 4 weeks, but mono symptoms such as fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes and a swollen spleen can last several weeks. Sometimes fatigue, muscle pain, and need to sleep can last 6 months or more, even after the infection has resolved. () Like other herpes family viruses, EBV can stay in your body in an inactive state, without causing symptoms. It can be reactivated at any time, especially in times of stress. A 2010 study published in Clinical and Experimental Medicine found that there was a significant difference between the rates of infection and reactivation of EBV among participants who had elevated epinefrine and , suggesting that increasing stress hormones can cause the inactive virus to return. ()The active chronic infection of EBV is rare in all cases, except for people with immune problems, such as HIV or transplant patients. Conventional treatment for monkey There is no specific treatment for the virus that commonly causes mono. Some people resort to pain medications to relieve mono symptoms. Because the disease is caused by a virus, antibiotics are not effective. They are often prescribed to treat inflammatory complications such as respiratory tract obstruction or autoimmune phenomena. They are used to decrease inflammation, redness and itching. There are some problems with taking corticosteroids. They can reduce their resistance to infection and make infections harder to treat. Some possible side effects of the use of corticosteroids include: increased appetite, indigestion, nervousness and restlessness. () Medicines against free-sale pain are commonly taken to relieve some mono symptoms such as headaches and body pains. But be aware that it is one of the most common poisonings in the world. Adults should not take more than 4,000 milligrams of acetaminophen a day, and because many medications contain acetaminophen, you may take more than you realize if you use more than one type of medication at a time. Another thing to take into account when taking medications against free selling pain is that all pain relievers interfere with normal nervous system functions, changing the ways in which our nerves communicate feelings of pain when they occur at certain points of the body. When taken to relieve the pain associated with the monkey, which may last weeks or even months, there is a good chance that it ends up taking too much, which potentially leads to multiple side effects and even poisoning. Some doctors may recommend antiviral agents, such as and , for the treatment of single symptoms, especially in cases of severe infectious mononucleosis. Address these types of treatments with caution due to the potential risk of drug toxicity. ()12 Natural Treatments for Mono1. Astragalus Root is an important medicinal herb commonly used in many herbal formulations to treat a wide variety of diseases and body disorders. It is a powerful immune construction plant that contains three extremely beneficial components, flavonoids and polysaccharides. These components are responsible for the antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory capabilities of astragalus. ()2. Echinacea Many of the chemical components of echinacea are powerful immune system stimulators and can provide significant therapeutic value. Research shows that it has antiviral effects and can be consumed to stop recurrent infections. It also helps relieve pain associated with headaches, sore throat and body pain. ()3. Garlic garlic raw garlic has antimicrobial and antiviral properties, so it is used to treat many infectious diseases. Eat a daily clot until your monkey symptoms disappear. Get in the nail to release the alicine, the most beneficial compound in garlic.4. Licorice RootLicorice root is a powerful antiviral herb due to its triterpenoid content. It has immunostimulant effects and functions as cough and . It also helps relieve pain, which is a common symptom of mononucleosis. ()5. Lead Olive LeafOlive has the ability to treat dangerous viruses by destroying invasive organisms and stopping viruses from replicating and causing an infection.6. ProbioticsProbiotics help heal the intestine and support the immune system. They can help reduce the risk of certain infectious diseases and improve immune function. Research suggests that probiotics may decrease the risk or duration of symptoms of respiratory infection and have antiviral mechanisms. ()7. Vitamins Complex of vitamin B help combat fatigue, increase energy, improve mood and increase cognitive function. Take a vitamin B supplement or eat vitamin B6 and like wild salmon, raw cheese, raw milk, garlic, sweet potatoes and bananas. ()8. Healthy diet When you are suffering from mono symptoms, increase your immune system and support your body with healthy, . An anti-inflammatory diet includes omega-3 foods and antioxidant foods, including green leaf vegetables, beets, blueberries, bone broth, nuts and wild salmon. For people with continuous fatigue, adding can be useful. These foods include spinach, puddles, pumpkin seeds, yogurt and kefir, almonds, black beans, avocados, figs and bananas. Magnesium will help you overcome fatigue, improve your energy levels and support a healthy nervous function. It will also help you balance your electrolytes; these foods include sweet potatoes, acorn pumpkin, white beans and mushrooms.9. Essential oils Essential oils can help relieve mono symptoms such as sore throat, headache, body pain, fatigue, and inflammation. One of the best is thyme oil. It is a strong antioxidant and has antimicrobial properties. it has antiviral effects, so it can be used to inhibit the spread of EBV. can stimulate immunity and improve the air circulation. Lavender oil can help you overcome stress so you can relax and get well. 10. Get a lot of restWhen you have a monkey, you need a lot of rest — your body will require it. Don't fight with fatigue. Take the nap all day and go to bed early. Refrain from physical activity until you start to feel good again. It is also important to reduce stress, so consider taking a hot bath, reading a stimulating and inspiring book or participating in the hobbies you love, especially as you recover from the monkey.11. Keeping hydrated Keeping hydrated is important because it helps to remove the toxins from the body the speed of the healing process. Avoid sports drinks or fruit juice. They contain sugar and chemicals that cause inflammation in the body. This makes it harder to heal. Drinking smooth water, or herbal tea is ideal. 12. Avoid Contact SportsBecause the spleen can be expanded with a monkey, it is prudent to avoid contact sports until their mono symptoms have gone completely. According to research published in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, athletes are recommended to resume contact sports after three weeks of illness, provided that they have no signs or symptoms of an EBV infection. () Precautions If you have severe pain at the top left of your abdomen, you may have broken a spleen and you should seek medical attention immediately. This is most likely to happen due to a blow to the abdomen and is rare under normal circumstances. You should also seek medical attention if your tonsils become so swollen that you are having trouble breathing or swallowing. Final thoughts Read Next: Get FREE Access! Dr. Josh Axe is on a mission to provide you and your family with the highest quality nutrition tips and healthy recipes in the world... 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